Friday, February 15, 2013

Watercolor Foxes

For my first post I decided to show this watercolor painting I recently completed. I'm really proud of the way this painting turned out. I've used watercolors before, but never really had anything turn out this good.  The time it took me to complete this painting was about a month. It took this long because I only worked on it during my art class. After I saw the way this painting turned out, my confidence with using watercolors has increased a lot. I think I'll continue to work with watercolors in the future. I also plan to post some story ideas this weekend, so look forward to it.


  1. It's a beautiful peace of work i literally almost cried. I believe that you should use water colors more after. I'm looking forward to reading some stories.

  2. I love the way the different shades of green in the grass, makes it look really realistic! How did you do that though? By just blending the colors together? Anyways it looks awesome!

  3. Damn man that looks awesome. Did you start with pencil or did you do it all with water colors?

  4. :D DO WANT!!
    Seriously, though, are you a wizard?

  5. OMG!!! Thats really good you have a lot of talent! The grass looks so real in the back ground, good job! I'm excited to see what kind of drawings, paintings, ext... you post next.

  6. Holy crap! This is UH-mazing! :D Better than my "moose" Lol. I love all your drawings:) You should design my tattoo? :) Great job, future Picasso! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My jaw dropped when I saw this!
    I'm so impressed by how this is watercolor, I've tried watercolor painting before and it's really difficult for me to not have all the colors bleed into each other and make a big mess. I love the realism in the fur, and the face of the little fox is adorable.
    You're going to have to teach me how to paint! :)

  9. Your art is really amazing. I can't wait to see what else you come up with!
