Friday, February 22, 2013

Three Little Pigs Remake

I decided to share my short story remake of the three little pigs. I had to write this story for my creative writing class, and I really enjoyed writing it. I changed the three pigs into humans along with the wolf. I also made little sketches of the three brothers. I hope you enjoy the story.

The Three Pigs
Three workers, a farmer, a lumberjack, and a construction worker. They were all brothers. They were grotesque men. scary looking, nobody messed with them. On the last days of summer they liked to go out for some fun. It was always their last party before fall and winter came around and they had to work. This is where the story begins.
During a drunken fit they decided to go home early. they got into their truck and set off. as they head towards the next town they pass through a curved road on the mountain. as they are driving, they begin to cross onto the other lane. this happens a few times. as the truck begins to cross over again, a car appears on the other lane. before they knew it they had caused a car crash. the brothers exit their truck and go to the other car. they see the driver, a woman, dead and the passenger seemed to be in  bad shape all three look at each other.
“What do we do!” asked the farmer.
“Their dead! there’s nothing we can do for them!” said the lumberjack in a drunken slur.
“We’ll just leave them here.”
“No! they’ll see that it was a crash with another car.” said the construction worker. “ The truck doesn’t have any damages. What we can do is push the car off the cliff, that way there won’t be any suspicions. People will think they drove off the cliff.”
“Thats a good idea! lets do it quick, before any other cars pass by.” said the farmer.
The three brothers do as planned. They started pushing the car towards the cliff. As they neared the cliff’s edge, the man in the passenger seat regained consciousness and startled looked around. He saw the woman, fear struck his face. He then looked back and gave a grunt of pain. He looked the brothers as they pushed the car. Before a cry for help could escape his mouth, the car dove down the the cliff.
“He saw us!” said the lumberjack
“It doesn’t matter! he’ll die anyways.” said the construction worker. And as if nothing had occurred the brothers got in their truck and headed home.
At the bottom of the cliff the car was totaled. it was stop by a tree and sent the man flying through the windshield. He hit the ground and lost consciousness. As he lay there motionless, the car caught on fire.
The man awoke surrounded by flames. He looked back at the car a saw as it was being consumed by the flames. A closer look and he could see that the woman driving the car was but used up fuel for the fire. His only choice was to try and get away from the fire. The only thing on his mind as he ran was the three men that he saw pushing the car.
They were the ones that crashed into us! they killed my wife! They’ll pay!
He ran as for as long as he could. Stopping only when he wasn’t able to breathe. Sorrow written over his face for the loss of his wife. He continues toward the town they had left before the accident. Mourning his wife he continued on. By the next morning he reaches the outskirts of town. Coming out of the woods onto a farm. He sees a barn and heads towards it.When he reached it he take a careful look inside. He spots a fort in the other end, made out of hay stacks. Curiosity leads him towards it. He looks inside it and surprise rises inside of him followed by anger, for he had found one of the men responsible for the car crash and the death of his wife. Without hesitating he lunges towards the farmer. The man grabs hold of his enemy’s neck. Surprise in the farmer’s eyes, the farmer grabs the man and tosses him away. The man gets up stands in awe at the grizzly of a man he had just challenged. Without a second thought, the man starts to look for something to use as a weapon.
“You!” said the farmer “You! you should be dead!” he then charges towards the man. the man then picks up a shovel head on. The the farmer falls, knocked unconscious. the man the bashes the farmer’s head in, unleashing his rage.
The other two are probably in town too. They’ll pay for what they did!
The man then leaves the barn and heads into town through the woods.By midday a lumberjack. He waits hidden for a while. As the man get a better view of the lumberjack, he sees that the lumberjack is also one of the men that was responsible for the death of his wife. The man moves around slowly behind the lumberjack. He then charges towards the lumberjack. The lumberjack then turns around and punches the man, sending him back towards the ground. The man quickly get to his feet and into a crouched position.
“You thought you could attack without me noticing! foolish!” said the lumberjack. “Who are you and what do you want!?”
The man stands. “I will have my revenge on the three that killed my wife! I have already killed the farmer, you are next!”
“The farmer? “ The lumberjack answers. “You cannot be serious! my brother,killed by such a scrawny man! Ha! Lies!”
“No matter, you will see him again in hell!” said the man.
The man’s words enrage the lumberjack, he then lunges towards the man with his axe. The man, surprise to see the axe, barely dodges the swing. As the man regains his balance the lumberjack is motioning for another swing. The man ducks and the axe strikes a tree behind him. With the axe lodged into the tree the man uses the opportunity to attack the lumberjack. The man punches the lumberjack in the belly. The man’s blow seemingly ineffective. The lumberjack laughs at the petty attempt. The lumberjack removes the axe from the tree and turns towards the man. The lumberjack, unprepared gets hit in the face and drops the axe. The man uses the opportunity and grabs the axe and attacks the lumberjack. The man first swings up and cuts the lumberjack’s belly. The lumberjack lets out a deep howl of pain. The man then swings back down and kills the lumberjack.
This guy’s screams were surely heard, I have to leave quickly!
On the other side of town, the construction worker got the news that both of his brothers were murdered. the news angered him. He quickly headed home and prepared, for he knew that whoever killed his brothers was also looking for him. When he arrived home he quickly went for his shotgun and waited silently.
The man quickly ran into town. He started to sneak through. By the time he found the construction worker, the sun was already setting and the full moon was beginning to appear. He spotted the construction worker getting of his truck. The truck that had hit then on the road. The man saw as the construction worker went into his home in a hurry. The man followed.
There was a loud bang in the construction worker’s front door. He knew that the one behind the door was the one who had killed his brothers. Another bang.  Then the door swung open. And a silhouette entered the house.
“Who are you?” said the construction worker, anger in his voice.
the man walks forward, exposing his face to the lights in the room. “Don't you recognize me?” asked the man.
Shock is seen in the construction worker’s face. “ You should be dead! that crash down the cliff should have killed you!”
“I got lucky, i guess” said the man. “ You on the other hand, won’t be so lucky”
“I think you’re in over your head!” said the construction worker. And without a second thought he reveals his shotgun and shoots the man in the chest, sending the man through the door and out into the yard. the construction worker then gives a harsh laugh. “Bet you weren’t expecting that now were you?”
Seeing the man laying there, the construction worker approaches the man’s body. before he gets any closer, the man starts to talk.
“Do you know how i found all of you?” said the man. “It was very easy, you give out the foulest stench i’ve ever smelled”
“What in the hell are you talking about?” said the construction worker.
“ I got your scent! even if you escape today, I will find you!” said the man angrily.
“Escape?” said the construction confused. “ You’re the dead man!” pointing his gun at the man.
the man blankly stares out into the night sky. He then catches a glimpse of the full moon. As he does he begins to shake uncontrollably. Causing the construction worker to step back. The man gives out a cry of pain. As he does the cry turns into a monstrous growl. Growing in size, hair growing all over his body the man looks up and howls at the moon. The man was a werewolf.
The construction worker stares, paralyzed by fear. With a slash of it’s claw the werewolf kills the construction worker. Nothing holding him back, the werewolf  ran towards the woods and was gone. He had gotten his revenge. But would never get back the love he had gotten from his wife, The one that helped him control his curse. With her gone, there was no stopping him from turning and killing every full moon.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Spawn is a comic book character, that I've always had trouble drawing. I don't have any of those old drawings, but that's okay cause they weren't very good. This weekend I decided to try drawing him again after so long. I really surprised myself. 
What I find hard about drawing spawn is that there is so much detail. The chains weren't difficult but they were a pain to draw. After I finished the line drawing, I went over all the lines with Higgins black ink using a ink pen. Then I used a brush to fill in with black. I felt really proud of myself after finishing this, and I think I'll try doing this style of drawing some more in the future.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Watercolor Foxes

For my first post I decided to show this watercolor painting I recently completed. I'm really proud of the way this painting turned out. I've used watercolors before, but never really had anything turn out this good.  The time it took me to complete this painting was about a month. It took this long because I only worked on it during my art class. After I saw the way this painting turned out, my confidence with using watercolors has increased a lot. I think I'll continue to work with watercolors in the future. I also plan to post some story ideas this weekend, so look forward to it.